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ISI Papers

1- (2018) The effect of fixed-tip piles on stabilization of earth slopes, Scientia Iranica A, 25(5), pp. 2550-2560.

2- (2019) Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Reinforced Sand Slope using Geogird Encased Stone Column, Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal, 52(1), pp. 85-100.

3- (2019) An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Reinforced Slope using Geotextile Encased Stone Column, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 15(5), pp. 543-552.

4- (2020) Optimal location of stone column for stabilization of sand slope: An experimental and 3D numerical investigation, Scientia Iranica A, 27(1), pp. 105-116.

5- (2021) Limit Analysis, Numerical, and Physical Modelling of Pile Stabilized Slopes using Image Processing Analyses, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 45, pp. 891–900.

6- (2021) Dynamic Analysis of Earth Dam using Numerical Method – A Case Study Doyraj Earth Dam, Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 1, pp. 65-78.

7- (2022) Impact of natural environment on sand aging under static and dynamic conditions, Granular Matter, 24.

8- (2023) Time Dependent Behavior of Crude Oil Contaminated Sands Under Static and Dynamic States, Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal.

9- (2024) Stabilization of crude oil-contaminated Bushehr carbonate sand: physical and chemical study, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 83(9).

10- (2024) Optimal Preservation of Oil-Containing Sands Using Zeolite: A Physical and Chemical Analysis, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 150(12).

11- (2025) Stabilized Slope Using Stone Columns Reinforced with Geotextile Encasement and Laminated Coatings: A Case Study, Natural Hazards Review, 26(2).

12- (2025) Physical and Chemical Investigation of Crude Oil Adsorption Using Bentonite Nanofluid in Contaminated Bushehr Carbonate Sand, Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 29(2).